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Assistance for compliance with data protection regulations in Japan | IKUTA SOGO LEGAL OFFICE

IKUTA SOGO LEGAL OFFICE|The top tier lawyer dealing with legal issues regarding Japan

Data Protection Law

Assistance for compliance with data protection regulations in Japan

As the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU has shown, many countries across the world have deployed data protection regulations to protect personal data. The issues of data protection have substantially attracted public attention internationally as the regulations have become stricter. In Japan, the revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI) came into effect on 30 May 2017 and is the core data protection regulation in Japan. Accordingly, global companies which process personal data in Japan are basically required to comply with the APPI. Ikuta Sogo Legal Office has advised many overseas companies handing personal data in Japan on their compliance with the APPI. Also, based on the experience of working for a UK law firm specialising in data protection, the founding lawyer at Ikuta Sogo Legal Office has supported many Japanese companies on their compliance with the GDPR.

If you encounter legal issues regarding the processing of personal data in Japan, including the following, please feel free to contact us:

  • You would like to know whether your processing of personal data in Japan is subject to the APPI
  • You would like to comply with the APPI with regard to the collection and transfer of personal data in Japan
  • You would like to prepare internal arrangements in case of data breach in Japan or need to make necessary reports to the regulatory authority as a data breach has occurred in Japan

Our firm’s goal is to provide our clients with quality legal services in a timely manner at affordable fees. Please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiry regarding data protection issues in Japan via our contact form or phone. We are happy to have an initial meeting online at your convenience.